Displaying Custom Event Information

Event panels are now available in iMIS Enterprise EMS and Professional. Staff can record additional event information using panel sources and create new panel definitions to display the information to the public. This will enable to staff to create custom displays of event information not provided in the standard event setup. Some standard event fields staff may want to display to the public are; Refund Policy, Event Contact Information, Hotel Information.

By displaying event information in a panel source, your event display can be more resourceful and insightful to registrants. As staff you even have the ability to create more dynamic reports, alerts, and event confirmations when you pull information from your event panel sources.

Check out the below to get started.

1. Go to RiSE > Panel Designer.

2. Click Add Panel Definition.

3. Enter in a Panel Name and Panel description if desired.

4.  Select 'Event' for Parent type and desired panel type (Single or Multi instance).

5. Click '+Create source'.

6. Enter in the new source name.

7. Click on the drop down arrow next to the new source and click '+ Add Property'.

8. Enter in the property details of the information that you would like to be collected and update settings as needed.

9. Click 'Ok'.

10. Repeat steps 7 - 9 for any standard event fields that you would like displayed on a panel.

11. Click and drag the properties you would like displayed in the 'Drop here' area and update any panel field display settings.

12. Click 'Save & Exit'.

13. Create a copy of the event display page located in @/iCore/Events and add your new event panel to the page. See here on how to add a panel to a content page.

14. Update your specific event dashboard and event display to display the new event display page with your panel. Note depending on your event dashboard/display settings, this may require additional steps to see the custom event display by default, such as updating shortcuts, taking copies of the out of the box event dashboards, etc. Otherwise, you can navigate to your custom event display content page link directly and add the URL parameter of '?EventKey=' + your event code to load the page.

15. Navigate to the event display that has the event panel and edit the event panel to record the desired event information.

Below is an example of how the same event panel will display on the member site. 

Need assistance on setting up an event panel? Click Here and a Support Analyst will get back with you shortly.