Starter Query Pack

Reporting in iMIS does not need to be difficult!

Whether your
organization is new to iMIS or just starting to use Intelligent Query Architect (IQA), our custom-built reports, we help you find and see the data you need! Our association-driven IQA Starter Pack includes over twenty robust reports such as: standard email recipient lists, example dynamic groups, membership reports, and more.

Contact us for more information

Our robust, custom-built IQAs are merely the starting point for delivering the data you need. As you learn from the detailed data provided by your starter pack, you can begin to dive deeper into customizing your queries and even build new queries based upon the Simple Query Starter Pack IQAs. Start each day and decision with the dynamic, detailed data that you need!

Ascension's SimpleQuery Starter Pack includes:


Are you thinking about reporting on your member engagement? Take a look at our easy to use IQA that can show your members' engagement scores across any category in iMIS. 

  • Engagement All Contacts By Category: Shows the engagement


Sending out emails to the desired recipients based on IQAs does not need to be difficult. We have provided some common examples of email lists for your convenience. 

  • Company Administrator recipient list - Returns the company administrator(s) of a company .
  • Contacts who have previously donated recipient list -  Returns all contacts who have given a donation.
  • Contacts who have previously purchased a product recipient list - Returns all contacts who have purchased a product.
  • Email recipient list based on a communication preference -  Returns all contacts based on the selected communication preference filter in the IQA.
  • Event Registrant recipient list - Returns all contacts registered for an event based on the event code filter in the IQA.
  • Unrenewed Members recipient list -  Returns all unrenewed members which is based on paid through dates.
  • Renewed Members recipient list -  Returns all renewed members which is based on paid through dates. 


In iMIS, you can easily find information about your membership with our simple IQAs. 

  • All Membership Report - Returns a base membership report where you can specify common filters such as member type, status, name, etc. 
  • Members Expiring within 15 Days -  Returns a list of members whose membership expires based within 15 days. 
  • Members Expiring within 30 Days -  Returns a list of members whose membership expires based within 30 days.
  • Members Expiring within 60 Days -  Returns a list of members whose membership expires based within 60 days. 

Additional Membership Reports (Advanced Email required): 
We can provide even further details about your membership and how they treat renewals. Our IQAs can show if they have received an email, opened an email, or clicked on any URLs within the email. NOTE, this information is only available if you have Advanced Email and send out your renewal emails using Advanced email. 

  • Company Dues renewal email click but owe dues
  • Company Dues Renewal email Delivered but owe dues
  • Company Dues renewal email opened but owe dues
  • Individual Dues Renewal Email Clicked but owe dues
  • Individual Dues Renewal Email Delivered but owe dues
  • Individual Dues Renewal Email  Opened but Owe Dues. 


iMIS comes with many great out of the box reports regarding events, however you may want to consider looking into the reports below to help with identifying event registration history. 

  • Contacts Not Registered to This Year's Conference But Registered Last Year - Returns a list of contacts not registered for this year’s conference but registered last year. 
  • Selected Member’s Past Event History - Shows the list of events a member has attended if the event is closed. This is ideal to add on a member’s profile. 


A common question we see from our customers is how to restrict content page access based on a variety of factors. This can be done by creating a dynamic group which is created from an IQA under the Group tab. In our sample IQA, we provide what is required at minimum to create a group, however even more criteria can be added to customize access.  

  • Specific Member Type(s) only dynamic group

Directory Search:

We have located the iMIS directory search IQAs used within staff sites and listed them here for convenience and for ease of editing. We usually see our customers making customizations for easy look up of their contacts. 

  • Organization Search
  • PeopleSearch